IG นิโคลีน - พิชาภา ลิมศนุกาญจน์ | #MissWorld2018 : I still remember like it was yesterday. 🙏🏻🙇🏽‍♀️🇹🇭 Question from @manushi_chhillar “Being Miss World is glamorous and exciting but it’s also hard work. what strengths would you bring to the role?” My answer 🇹🇭: “The strength that I would bring to being Miss World is passion and love for the project that I started which is ‘Love for All’, which works with kids with autism. It’s based around my little brother and I feel that, as long as you have passion, you’re able to work and you’re able to love and do what you want to do and that’s going to be able to move the world, move society and change who you are as a person, as well as change the world to make a better place.” #LoveForAll #beautywithapurpose #passion #missworldthailand #missthailandworld2018 #Mw2018 #mtw2018 #นิโคลีน #BWAP

16 ธ.ค. 61 - 12:05:35
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