IG มารีญา พูลเลิศลาภ | #ChallengeAccepted - Marie Curie (1867 - 1934), one of the main people who inspired me to be deeply curious in the field of science, namely physics and chemistry. As a young girl my dad was my main role model of how I wanted to learn and understand the universe. He always made cool experiments at home with me - that was what Sunday’s were for. When he told stories about how Marie Curie contributed to the present day X-ray, I was infatuated by her intelligence. Her contributions range from allowing us to explore outer space to powering a whole field of medicine; radiology. I recommend you google her…what a woman. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Today, with the #WomenSupportingWomen campaign, I wanted to highlight this key lady. Thank you Marie Curie for allowing us to see inside our bodies with such precision in times of need! Thank you for pushing against the grain, at a time when women weren’t ‘meant’ to study at all. You rock!!! ⁣ ⁣ Thank you for the nomination @hanashac @metinee 💕 ⁣ Image Cr. The Nobel Foundation ⁣ ⁣ #TheFightforEducation #MarieCurie #XRay #WomenInScience #RoleModel #RealModel #Radium #Ra #WomenSupportingWomen #MenSupportingWomen #StandingInSolidarityWithTurkishWomen

29 ก.ค. 63 - 23:16:29
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